Schools and Programs » English Language Development (ELD) Program

English Language Development (ELD) Program

English Language Development is a program designated to provide support for English Language Learner (ELL/EL) students. ELD is required under federal law, Title III in Oregon was established to assist school districts in teaching English to limited English proficiency students. Oregon uses information from the Language Use Survey form from your child’s registration and a language screener to determine if your child is eligible for ELD services. Language and other countries of origin questions are ONLY used by our district to determine the eligibility of student services.


For the most current information regarding EL students in Oregon, please refer to the Oregon Annual English Language Report. 

Service Model


Our district provides ELD services through ELD pull-out for all schools within our district. Schedules vary by student need and grade level. Typically:

  • ELD classes for secondary students (middle/high school) start the first day of the school year, are a class period on their schedules and are considered an elective class in their transcripts.
  • ELD classes for the elementary school start the third week of school and end two weeks before school ends. We provide 30 minutes of ELD pull-out, 4 times per week by an ESOL endorsed teacher.

Waivers/Refusal of Services

Parents/Guardians may refuse ELD services by annually waiving their student from the program. If the student is not waived, they will be placed in an ELD program appropriate to their needs. The Title III Coordinator will contact parents annually regarding current proficiency levels and discuss services.

ELPA21(English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century)

ALL current EL students take the ELPA21 state assessment, regardless of receiving services through the program. This assessment measures your students’ English language proficiency and growth annually. All identified English Learners take this assessment throughout the state of Oregon.

Once your student reaches language proficiency, primarily determined through ELPA21, they will be exited from the program and will be monitored for 4 years to ensure that language is not a barrier to their education.

For more information please refer to our local EL Plan in the Parent Resources links below.

Translation and Interpretation

Brookings-Harbor strives to ensure that all culturally and linguistically diverse families feel welcome and fully participate in their students’ educational experience. With this philosophy, we provide written translation and interpretation services through our Title III program.

If you would like translation and interpretation services please indicate so in your students’ enrollment information during registration. Most of the information we gather about student and family need come from this registration and our PowerSchool information system. Otherwise, contact a school secretary or the Title III Coordinator.


Questions or Comments please contact:

Daryl Ettner
(she, her, hers)
ELD Teacher, Title III Coordinator
541-469-7443  ext. 1231
[email protected]

Additional Special Programs in Brookings-Harbor School District Schools
In the Brookings-Harbor School District, Special Education programs include:
  • School Psychology
  • Speech Language Pathology (SLP) Services
  • Occupational Therapy (OT) Services
  • Physical Therapy (PT) Services
  • Autism Services
  • Extended School Year (ESY) Services
  • Behavior Support Services